The shape of the cross has a deep historical and spiritual significance. The large cross represents Jesus. The four smaller ones represent the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – going out to the four corners of the world. Perhaps the most compelling symbolism found in this cross is that of the five wounds Jesus suffered during the crucifixion. Wounds to Christ’s hands and feet are represented in the small crosses and the large center cross represents the wound to Jesus’ side.
Today, the Jerusalem Cross calls Christians everywhere to continue to spread the word and love of our Lord Jesus all over the world. Therefore having this cross in your home is a great reminder of Gods love through the crucifixion and resurrection of his only son Jesus Christ and his Great Commission in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all nations.
The Jerusalem Cross is a popular gift for retreats, confirmations, ordinations, and anyone answering the Lord’s call to service. Another version of this cross is our refrigerator magnet. It is a sought after preaching tool during Easter services.
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