The item is made by the wellknown L’Arche community in Bethlehem. Locally they are known as Ma’an lil-Hayat (Together for Life). It is a Bethlehem-based ministry serving the needs of people with developmental disabilities and celebrating their unique value and contribution
Jean Vanier, a catholic Priest, founded L’Arche in 1964 when he hosted two men with disabilities in his own home. Consequenlty L’Arche is a multinational organization with a network of homes and programs for serving people with intellectual disabilities.
This organization has now grown to have 147 communities in 35 countries around the world. One of these communities in in Bethlehem.
It is the first of its kind in the Holy Land. Moreover they have become renowned for their effective work and genuine compassion for these often neglected members of society. Therefore L’Arche hopes to expand throughout the West Bank to serve where there is great need.
Ma’an lil-Hayat is the first and only wool-felting project in Palestine. Its products are made from the wool of sheep raised right here in Bethlehem.